
The slack rack has been the first..

..Of many projects the IDL has done for and in collaboration with the B4 Adventure team. When we first received a sample to study we did a thorough task analysis of every interaction with the product and packaging. B4’s challenge was to come up with a more modern interpretation of their first Slack Rack. They also wanted to solve an issue that was happening while shipping some of their Slacker’s Racks. Because of the fixed nature of the original T shaped welded design, some of the base plates were puncturing the packaging in transit. Based on our experience of using the Slack Rack we delivered a range of concepts to present to the B4’s head of product development and team.


The top ideas were filtered down into two main iterations of concept #1. One that idea was that the base supports could fold and lock into place, thus solving the shipping issue. The other leading idea was that the base could slide into place.


The counterpoint to the slide in solution was that it could potentially cause a finger entrapment issue if used incorrectly. And in the case of the fold down concept, it potentially might cause kids who are running around the Slackline Rack to trip over the supports. So in the end the final solution was posed that the support base could be bolted in to the freestanding unit instead of welded together.

Meanwhile we also developed a new print graphic to for the Slackers brand Slackline that would be used on the Slack Rack and other upcoming Slackline products. This new look was in line with a update to the Slackers brand B4 was overseeing throughout the entire line.
